Last modified: April 17, 2023
June 29, 2022| Fire & Rescue| Fire & Rescue
Fire bans are a common occurrence in Gorham, particularly during the summer months when the risk of forest fires is high. The ban typically prohibits the use of open fires, including campfires and fireworks, in outdoor areas such as parks and campsites. The purpose of the ban is to minimize the risk of wildfires, which can spread quickly and have devastating consequences on the environment and communities. The ban is typically enforced by local authorities, and violators can face fines or other penalties. It is essential for residents and visitors to follow fire ban regulations and exercise caution when using outdoor fires to help protect the natural resources and communities of Ontario.
Last modified: April 17, 2023
Gorham is an unincorporated township in the District of Thunder Bay. It borders the city of Thunder Bay, the municipality of Shuniah and the townships of Jacques, Ware and Fowler.
Wildfire Emergency
1 866-797-0000
Poison Control
1 800 268-9017